These were capable of killing all sorts of monsters, former children of his own. The Twins then return to earth, falling from the skies “like lightning bolts”. The place where the first twin landed became known as “Like-zigzag-lightning-he-came-down”, whereas that of the second twin was named “Let-down-on-a-sunbeam”. These “descents from heaven” in the shape of lightning bolts are avatars, a Sanskrit word meaning “falling star” and, more exactly, implying the fall of the vajra.
The fall of the Navajo Twins is quaintly reminescent of those of Christ and of Lucifer, the Twins of Judeo-Christian traditions, to which we return further below. Upon their return, the Twins start killing off all sorts of terrible monsters: Giant Monster, Burrowing Monster, Kicker-off-the-Rocks, Tracking Bear, Kills-with-the-eye, Walking Rock, etc.. Next, the Twins set out again from their mother s house, leaving behind their own counterparts in the persons of Holy Man and Holy Boy.
The Twins successively go to Trembling Mountain, Whirling Mountain, Mountain-fallen-away, Striped Mountain and Coiled Mountain, where they learn the magic chants and the magic diagrams (sandpainted) from various local deities. These five mountains are all holy. They closely correspond to Mt. Meru and its four flanking mountains, which are the sites of the Hindu Paradises, as we shall see further below. As such, the five mountains which form a quincunx like the Hindu and the Pythagorean ones are endlessly portrayed in the Navajo sandpainted mandalas which we will be discussing further below.
The Conquest of the Elixir and its Old World Parallels
Finally, the Twins are given the Elixir, called “Old-age-restored-in-beauty”. This they give to their mother, Changing Woman, in order to make her young again. After her change, Changing Woman is made to move out to a place “near Canyon de Chelly” (the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona), forced out of her pristine home by the Twins and other gods.
As is clear, Changing Woman represents the Indians (Navajos) chased out of the Primordial Paradise by encroaching nations, including their own offspring. Most of the features in the Navajo myth of the Twins can be traced back to the Old World, as well as to South America and other places. For instance the Clashing Rocks are the same as the Symplegades of the Odyssey and the Argonautica, and also have counterparts in South America, in the Yvymomó of the Apopocuva Guaranis, not to mention the other Indians.
It is impossible to read the relation of the adventures of the Navajo Twins without noticing the fundamental parallelism with the similar deeds of Old World Twins and Giant-Killers. In particular the adventures of the Amerindian Twins closely correspond to those of Krishna and Balarama of Hindu traditions, of Gilgamesh and Enkidu of Sumerian myths, or the ones of Horus and Seth in Egyptian mythology or, yet, those of Atlas (or Orion) and Hercules in Greece or of Thor and Odin among the Scandinavians.
In fact, all these myths derive from a single (Atlantean) source, which was endlessly copied and adapted by each nation along the centuries, and came to form the base of their religion, again of Atlantean origin. It was also thus that the myth of the Twins entered Christianism in the dual figures of Christ and the Anti-Christ(Lucifer), that we mentioned above.
The White Island, which turned into a mountain at night and grew up into the skies, is visibly the same as the Scylla of the Odyssey, described in identical terms by Homer. Here, the myth of this island-mountain has been is blended with the ones of the Leukades (“White Islands”) and of Shveta-dvipa (idem) of the Hindus.
In reality, this lofty mountain is Mt. Atlas or Meru, called Mt. Cassius (that is, Kachi or “White”) in some traditions such as the Greco-Roman and Phoenician ones reported by Avienus. The dual of the Cosmic Mountain (Linga) is the Cosmic Chasm (Yoni), figured in Homer as the terrifying Charybdis faced by Odysseus in his trip to Phaeacia, which is no other thing than the sunken paradise of Atlantis. In fact, Scylla and Charybdis one a giant volcanic peak, the other the enormous caldera of a submarine volcano are allegories of the impassable barrier of the Pillars of Hercules, as we explain elsewhere in detail.
The Cutting Reeds that reach out to grab and cut up people is another traditional motif of supreme importance. This legend is connected with the one of the Sargasso Sea of the ancients which, allegedly, did the same. Ultimately, the (Phoenician) legend of the Sea of Sargassos derives from the Hindu one of Nalanala (“Sea of Weeds”) and that of Kushadvipa (“the Island of Kusha Grass”), whose reeds also retained passing ships and dragged them to the bottom, just as Columbus and his men feared would happen to them in the Caribbean region they mistook for the one of the Indies, which they indeed intended to reach.
In fact, the above legends refer to the islands and seas of Indonesia, in reality full of such sandbars and muddy shoals, spiny reeds and weeds, as we comment in detail elsewhere. And it is indeed in Indonesia that we find the huge chasm which the Greeks called Symplegades, and which the Hindus call by the name of Vadava-mukha (“the Mare’s Mouth”). The Vadava-mukha is actually the site of the Krakatoa volcano, which turned into a immense caldera after the castastrophic explosive eruption that devastated paradisial Atlantis.
This giant explosion spit huge amounts of pumice-stone which formed enormous floating banks that presented a terrible threat to navigation in those seas.