They start as friends and mates, grow to be lovers, and end up fighting their eternal war.
The Battle of the Twins is, as we said, the one of Atlantis, that of the “Greeks” (or Whites) against the Atlanteans (or Reds). This war is the same as that of the Mahabharata, which only ended when all combatants died and the whole place was sunken underseas in a giant cataclysm identical to the one which foundered Atlantis. Indeed, this great war was a reversal of the previous one of Lanka (Lemuria), which also ended in a similar cataclysm.
More exactly, the two great wars correspond to the drastic endings of the Golden Age and the Silver Age, both of which culminated in a universal Flood and Conflagration. The first one ended with the victory of the Lunar (Ramachandra) and the second one with that of the Solars (the Pandus). But, it is hard to speak of a victory when the whole world is destroyed, and only a band of savages survives the catastrophe.
Of course, the same motivation that caused both wars exacerbated racism and pride and arrogance still survives unabated. It will inevitably lead to the Third World War, that of Armaggedon or Shambhalla of which the prophets speak so insistently. And this time it may well finish the job that the previous two left incomplete, for we are, apparently, far better equipped for the job now. Or are we indeed?
The Creation of Evil Women
Eve is a name that has many meanings, such as “mother” and “desire”. It is also apparently related to the idea of “mare”, an etym instanced in the Sanskrit eva and, apparently, in the Greek hippa. But the assonance Eve-Evil is certainly more than coincidental. If Skeat is right, the idea of “evil” derives from that of “over”, meaning “one which is opposite” and, hence, an antagonist or foe. If so, evil relates to the Sanskrit ava (“over”, “away”), itself linked to the English “afar” and “over”.
The conception that women are evil pervades ancient myths. The Greeks considered that the first woman, Pandora, was the handiwork of Hephaistos, the Devil himself. Indeed, Pandora means something like “gift of Pan”, in Greek, Pan being an alias of Hephaistos. Greek legends affirm that when Prometheus gave Celestial fire to humans, they became so blissfully happy that Zeus became envious and decided to damn them. The gods gathered in a council and Venus and Hephaistos came up with the idea of Woman, Pandora, in order to torment men.
Hephaistos fashioned her in his infernal forges, and she was equipped by Venus herself, helped by the other gods. Pandora was sent as a sort of “Greek gift” to Prometheus, who resisted her charms, however, for the foresaw the consequences. Undaunted, she addressed Epimetheus, the dumber brother of Prometheus, who could only foresee in hindsight. He fell, and the result was that all evils were released upon Mankind when Pandora opened her wonderful box.
Women and Male Chauvinist Pigs
The Greek conception of evil women seems to derive directly from Hindu ones, as usual. But before I am blamed with male chauvinism, allow me to affirm my own point of view. I just relate Indian myths about women, just as I do their racist ones. And these apparently derive from their Aryan moiety, for the Dravidas have the utmost respect for the Great Mother, with whom they associate themselves. Besides, they indeed strive for racial integration of both communities in their country, dominated by the Aryan moiety.
Personally, I, like most males, repute women the very apex of Creation. And I also slobber, like the unwise Epimetheus, at the masterwork of skillful Hephaistos. To be sure, it is hell living with women. But it is impossible to be without them. Women are illogical, unpredictable and profoundly mysterious, qualities that exasperate us males, for we are thus unable to understand and to master them, as we would so much like to do.
Despite the three millions of years that men and women have been living together, it is they that command and we who obey their every whim. As every married man well knows, it is women who command and who turn the fierce warriors into docile breadwinners, who stolidly toil like good slaves in order to bring them and their offspring not only food and comfort and safety, but all the trinkets they may covet.
Who owns who? In fact, the word “married” seems to derive from an ancient root mar meaning “bound”, “fettered”, as in the French amarrer and the Arabic mar (“to bind”).